Jeffrey Osborne Detroit

Jeffrey Osborne
Venue: Detroit Opera House

Buy Tickets for upcoming Jeffrey Osborne concerts at Detroit Opera House in Detroit, MI.
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Jeffrey Osborne

Upcoming Concerts & Tickets

Upcoming Concerts: 1
  • Nov
    8:00 PM
    Detroit Opera House | Capacity: 2700
    48226, 1526 Broadway, Detroit, MI, US
    Prices from $87
    Avg. price ~ $164
    Available Tickets: 365

Welcome to Detroit, MI

Detroit City
Detroit City

Detroit is the largest city in the midwestern state of Michigan. Near Downtown, the neoclassical Detroit Institute of Arts is famed for the Detroit Industry Murals painted by Diego Rivera, and inspired by the city’s ties to the auto industry, giving it the nickname “Motor City.” Detroit is also the birthplace of Motown Records, whose chart-topping history is on display at their original headquarters, Hitsville U.S.A.

Explore the complete list of entertainment venues in the city. Check out the Detroit events calendar for performance dates and show schedules. Don’t miss the best concerts, theater shows, festivals, and sporting events in 2024/2025. Choosing the best spots to explore is a great way to ensure your trip is a resounding success.